CS6: Sense of initiative and entrepeneurship


Core Skill 6

Sense of initiative and entrepeneurship

K= Knowledge

S= skill

A= Attitude

EQF 3-4

EQF 5-6

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship refers to an individual’s ability to turn ideas into action. It includes creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. This supports individuals, not only in their everyday lives at home and in society, but also in the workplace in being aware of the context of their work and being able to seize opportunities , and is a foundation for more specific skills and knowledge needed by those establishing or contributing to social or commercial activity. This should include awareness of ethical values and promote good governance.

1 Awareness of the ethical position of enterprises (K)

Get inspired by GoodGuide and create advertisments with Pixlr that are too honest.

Discuss the ethics of everyday products on Soundcloud. Label the products with QR codes that link to the recording.

2 Project based approach (S)

Create an interactive story or game with Scratch from MIT.

Organize your project by creating your first online Gantt chart with Tom’s Planner.

3 Collaboration (S)

Organize tasks, files and projects with Azendoo.

Collaborate and communicate with your class/team with LiveMinutes.

4 Lead and delegate (S)

Use RealtimeBoard to manage your project online.

Track what your ‘team’ is working on via Trello

5 Taking initiative and responsibility (S)

Gather a team around you and develop an app with TouchDevelop.

Start a campaign on Causes and try and change the world.

6 Competing (S)

Collect ideas on Tricider and let your colleagues vote for the ones they like best.

Play Startup Spirits and become the new Steve Jobs while competing with your friends.

7 Risk taking (S)

Use Popplet to brainstorm and make sure that different approaches and ideas are valued.

Start a (small) project with your class and try to get it funded on Kickstarter.

8 Motivation and determination to meet objectives (A)

Create a to-do list with Wunderlist and sync it across all your devices.

Chains.cc: set goals and show your determination not to break the chain.