I’ve just come across this wonderful online application to make small interactive tools. It is a research and development project of the Center for Computer Education at University of Teacher Education Bern, in cooperation with the University of Mainz and the University of Zittau/Görlitz. Check it out on http://learningapps.org
Viewing 1 to 3 of 3 items
Writing guidelines for the STEM book
Just had a really useful meeting over coffee. We have firmed up some of the ideas about how we collect ideas for STEM. There are three sorts of ‘items’ we would like to capture and include. ‘Shorts’ – these are the instant ideas that occur to you over coffee! You really don’t want to write Full Article…
Great e-learning teacher blog!
Have just come across an amazing website for teachers http://sharpjacqui.blogspot.fr/p/about-me.html. In fact, it’s not one website but a whole series of blogs by Jaqui Sharp, who is heavily involved in Taccle-type stuff in New Zealand. Have just written to her to see if we can link up. They are very content-rich, bursting with ideas and written Full Article…