I’m Jen Hughes. I work for Pontydysgu – a small company based in Pontypridd in Wales and Bremen in Germany. My job on the Taccle 2 project is to edit the books and write the final copy once we have all decided what is going to go in them.
I was a Maths teacher (11-16) and then moved into teacher training. I have been excited about e-learning for about 7 years and most recently have been having a lot of fun playing e-learning with primary age children!
I was talking to some colleagues last night and reflecting that I started off teaching in higher education, then worked in VET, then I edited the last Taccle handbook because I was interested in e-learning in secondary schools. Now I do a lot of work in primary schools and I am interested in BabiTech, a site my colleague Angela has set up, looking at how babies and pre-schoolers interact with technology. I seem to be regressing as I get older!!
(by the way, there is also a Facebook BabiTech page. If you have small children, please contribute!)
Nic Daniels
I’m Nic Daniels and I also work for Pontydysgu. Until this year I had been a deputy head teacher at a Welsh primary school for 8 years, living in blissful ignorance of anything called e-learning. Five months after starting to work with the Taccle team, I am now a total convert to using technology in the classroom and a fully-paid up geek. Before that I was a class teacher. teaching all ages from 4 to 11 and across the whole primary curriculum. My particular interest is literacy and creative writing and I also enjoy teaching music.
In addition to teaching and teacher training, I write children’s books – ten of which have been published – look after my two (very naughty) dogs and have a secret life running an antique stall in a local market.
My message to all techno-phobe primary teachers is definitely to give it a go – start small and learn as you go. If I can do it in just a few months, ANYONE can!
Kylene De Angelis
Hi, my name is Kylene De Angelis. I work in TRAINING 2000, a VET organization in the Marche region.
My main interest in the organization is how to apply ICT and VLEs in different learning situations. I train teachers on how to use new technologies (WEB 2.0 applications) and how to work with Moodle as a blended learning tool.
Recent activities are research and analysis’ on how to motivate teachers and students in using web 2.0 in classes and how to adapt teaching methodologies to the fast evolution of learning processes through technology.
It’s a challenge but great fun!
Elmo De Angelis
Hi, my name is Elmo De Angelis. I work for TRAINING 2000, a VET organization in the Marche region. For about 20 years I have been participating in European LLP projects. I have studied to be an Engineer and after many years I returned in the world of education. I am interested in e.learning and I have been a trainer in ICT for more than 10 years constantly supporting the use of social software and MOODLE in education.
My interest now are mainly in motivating teachers and students in using web 2.0 within the classroom and change the style of teaching as well as learning in primary schools and higher education. In this project I am working together with teachers from two schools to prepare “activities/case studies” most suitable for Italian students. The same will be included in theTaccle 2 handbooks.
We find that just a small percentage of teachers in Italy are attracted by my work. Most of them are afraid of technology and are not prepared enough to face the class. The more inclined teachers to use ICT are very active and supportive of this project. It is challenging and interesting enough!
Giulio Gabbianelli
I’m Giulio Gabbianelli and I also work for Training 2000, an Italian Vocational Training organisation which operates mainly in the Marche region in activities of Adult Education and Training, consultancy and promoting the innovative use of new technologies in enterprises. My job on the Taccle 2 project is to facilitate and support teachers during the testing of the materials.
I was a PhD in New Media and Society at the University of Urbino and my expertise is in ICT and social software in learning. Recently, I’m involved in some EU project focused on the introduction of ICT in education.
Jens Vermeersch
I am responsible for internationalisation with GO! onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. GO! (or Education of the Flemish Community) is the official education network in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. I have an MA in history and an MA in Communication Sciences. For almost 20 year I have been involved in project management of European union funded education projects such as Leonardo, Grundtvig and Comenius. I also support GO! schools on internationalisation and I follow EU education policy.
I work together in a team with Veerle de Troyer and Katrien Lehouck. Twice a year we also organise a comenius in-service training course.
I am the coordinator of both TACCLE projects. The first TACCLE project resulted in a handbook for teachers wanting to introduce e-learning into their practice and also on several training events for teachers. Building on and extending the experience of the initial project, TACCLE 2 aims to provide teachers with resources to integrate ICT and e-learning in their specific subject areas and targeted for different age ranges.
Some other recent projects we have been involved in:
Angela Rees
I’m Angela, I’ve been teaching maths and science in secondary and FE since 2005. I work as a researcher and trainer for Pontdysgu and I write BabiTech. My favourite web2.0 tools are Twitter and Diigo and I love finding new and fun ways to use ICT. For Taccle2 I’m mainly working on the STEM handbook but so many of the ideas can be transferred to other subject areas that I’m quite excited about the whole project!
Fernando Albuquerque Costa
I’m professor at the University of Lisbon since 1988. I started to be primary teacher, after I earn a degree in Psychology and a PhD in Educational Sciences in the area of Curriculum and Evaluation with a thesis about What Teachers Think and How They Use ICT in their Practices. I has been teaching different educational technology subjets and my research is in the field of “learning, curriculum & technology”, and in the field of “professional development of teachers to integrate ICT tools in the curriculum”. I have several publications in these areas, some of them in english, which could be accessed in my professional website.
I’m co editor of the first scientific online journal on the field of ICT in education and training published in Portugal (http://eft.educom.pt) and I’m member of the editorial board of other scientific international journals like the Digital Education Review (http://greav.ub.edu/der) or E-Curriculum (http://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/curriculum).
At national level I coordinated the Portuguese teams of different European projects in the area of pedagogical use of ICT, including projects like PEDACTICE about evaluation of educational multimedia, IPETCCO about innovative teaching practices and DIGIFOLIO about electronic portfolios and teachers professional development. More recently I coordinated the national study about ICT Teachers Competencies for the Ministry of Education and leaded the team who developed the Learning Outcomes in the area of ICT, also for the Ministry of Education of Portugal. I’m currently the national coordinator of the Distance Learning Project for Itinerant Students and integrate the european teams of this project (TACCLE2 – Teachers’ Aids on Creating Content for Learning Environments) and the iTEC project (Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom).
Pedro Reis
I am a biologist/science educator and I work as a professor and a researcher at the Institute of Education (University of Lisbon). I work also as invited professor at the International University of Andalucia (Spain) and at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brazil). I have published and been involved in research about: a) science education in different contexts; b) teaching the nature of science and assessing its understanding; c) professional development of science teachers; d) the discussion of socioscientific issues in science education; and e) ICT integration in science education.
I supervise Ph.D. and master students in these fields. I have been involved in research, teacher training and curriculum development projects in Portugal, other European countries (supported by the European Commission), Africa (supported by the World Bank and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation) and Brazil (supported by the Portuguese and the Brazilian Governments). I am a member of the Editorial Board of several peer-reviewed journals in Australia, Brazil, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom.
I´m Carla. In 2011 I completed the PhD degree in Visual Arts: audiovisual culture and media at UNICAMP (Brazil). I earn a master in Multimedia at the UNICAMP too, and I’m graduated in Systems Analysis.
I have experience in applied technology with emphasis on the use of Information and Communication Technologies in contexts of learning, teacher education and e-learning. I worked in primary and secondary schools and polytechnic institutes, acting as teacher and coordinator in education technology area. Under this scope, I developed activities for teacher education in ICT using both e-learning and face-to-face mode.
I participated in activities of the project “One Computer per Student” (UCA), in the Center of Computing Applied to Education (Nied/UNICAMP), identifying the strategies on devices XO/OLPC usage at school. I´m partner of The Open University (UK) in the “Open Learn” project since 2007, debating the elaboration and use of Open Educational Resources.
Currently I´m a guest researcher in this project (TACCLE2) along with the group “Education, Technology and Society” (ETS) of the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon (IEUL), and I’m preparing myself to begin the post-doctoral course in this instituition. Mores detailed information can be read in my Lattes Curriculum.
Cidália Marques
I’m Cidalia Marques. I work at Agrupamento de Escolas Fernando Casimiro Pereira da Silva in Portugal. I am a primary school teacher since 1985 and a ICT teacher trainer since 1997. I also teach at ESETN in a Special Needs Postgraduate course. At my school I’m an ICT coordinator and responsible for a Comenius Project and Etwinning projects. I’m also involved in teachers evaluation. My most recent project is Science and Maths and Robots.
I’m doing a PhD.at University of Lisbon, in the area of ICT in Education, where I’ve been collaborating with my supervisor Pedro Reis in one of his classes. My main interests are in professional development of teachers, how to apply ICT in kindergarden and primary schools and how an ICT coordinator can make a difference in the use of ICT in the school. My published work has been about e-portfolios, podcasts and the use of ICT with children with special needs.
Elisabete Cruz
I’m Elisabete Cruz. In 2010 I finished my master degree in Educational Technologies with a dissertation about The analysis of the integration of ICT in the Portuguese curriculum of basic education. I’m currently a research fellow of the Research Group for Education, Technology and Society, at the Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, with a research project sponsored by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. As part of my PhD project in the area of Theory and Curriculum Development, this research is focused on “ICT as a transdisciplinary learning subject ”. My concern with curricular integration of ICT has its birth on the research I developed before but it is also due to the field experience I could gather between 2005 and 2008 with children between 4 and 10 years old. In that time, I was working with the pedagogical team of CROKIS, a company concerned to find dialog opportunities between several curricular disciplines and the digital technologies. Now, being a part of this group is an opportunity to deepen those dialogs which are becoming more and more necessary! Mores detailed information about my work can be read in my curriculum vitae .

I’m Jan Bierweiler. I teach English and History at the Gymnasium Münchberg – a grammar school in the northeast of Bavaria, Germany. My job on the Taccle 2 project is to contribute to the books and to test some of the ideas in practice.I got into e-learning during my time at university and was able to participate in a film project at the University of Hamburg. At the moment I’m also studying eEducation at the Fernuniversität Hagen and try to include the new ideas into my daily work. I’m mainly interested in combining tradtional ways of teaching with new technologies to gain an extra benefit.
Maria Paz Prendes Espinosa
I’m Professor of Educational Technology in the Department of Didactics and School Organization at the University of Murcia (Spain). I’m also the director of the Group of Research in Educational Technology (GITE) of the same University, as well as the University of Murcia e-learning Coordinator.
I have leaded and participated in several national and international research projects regarding the use of pedagogical principles to the development of educational processes using ICT, as well as the implementation of Technology Enhanced Learning in traditional educational institutions. Additionally I have researched and work on the design, development and assessment of educational resources, as well as ICT for school practice in Primary, Secondary School and Higher Education.
Currently I’m lecturing in the Faculty of Education in courses about educational technology for future educationalists adn teachers, and I’m coordinating and participating in some Masters and PhD programs about Psychology of Education and Technology Enhanced Learning.
Linda Castañeda Quintero
I’m Senior Lecturer in Educational Technology in the Department of Didactics and School Organization at the University of Murcia (Spain). I’m also Research Member of GITE (group of Research in Educational Technology) .
My research interests are centered on the use, integration and evaluation of Information and Communication Technologies in Education, e-learning, and the impact of those on the Social, Curricular and Organizational change. Therefore, I have participated in diverse research national and international projects regarding those topics in formal learning (primary, secondary school and Higher Education) as well as in non formal and informal contexts.
I’m participating in a wide variety of international events as speaker and I have published some books and specialized papers.
I take part on several professional networks with other teachers and educationalists in my country as well as with other professionals around the world. One of the most important network I’m part of, is the Spanish Teachers Twitter sphere, so I’m a twitter addict (I also twit in English)., so CU in the Web!.
Mª del Mar Sanchez Vera
I´m María del Mar Sánchez, I’m Senior Lecturer at the University of Murcia, in Department of Didactics and School Organization. I’m part of the Group of Research in Educational Technology (GITE) in the same university.
I have a PhD in Pedagogy and I am specialized in ICT for educational environments.
I teach in degrees related to Education, I’m lecturing in the degrees of Pedagogy, Social Education, Future primary school teachers, and Future kindergarden teachers, and also in the Masters of Technology Enhanced Learning.
My work at GITE allows me to participate in national and international research projects and publishing several articles and book chapters on the topic of technology enhanced learning.
Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán
I’m Senior Lecturer in Educational Technology in the Department of Didactics and School Organization at the University of Murcia (Spain). I’m also Research Member of GITE (group of Research in Educational Technology).
I have a Phd in Educational Technology. I centre my research in ICT Competences of University Teachers, Educational uses of Social Networks, ICT in the Hospital Classrooms and PLE.
I’m taking part in different events about Educational Technology as speaker and also I’m working in some Secondary Schools with young people about Safe Uses of Social Networks. I’m working in some national ad European projects. I teach in degrees related to education and also in the Masters of Technology Enhanced Learning. I love my work because It gives me a huge opportunities to learn and meet people.
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