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Digital portfolios in primary school

Love this project from one of our local teachers. Not only do primary school kids get to develop their own, unique digital portfolios that enable them to curate, organise and share their work in a variety of ways they also learn so much maths, literacy, design and IT along the way. And the only software  Full Article…



Woohoo! Have spent the last few days being miserable with flu so to cheer myself up have been making toothbrush robots and racing them with my grandchildren. Bought the components ages ago but it took till today to actually get them out of the box… You will need: Some old toothbrushes (personally I have found  Full Article…


How old is a tree?

Not really e-learning but thought I’d share this anyway – a great idea for really understanding how old trees are as well as getting some sense of history.  You could hype it up a bit by getting the birds in the tree tweeting to each other about what they could see at any point in  Full Article…