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Digital portfolios in primary school

Love this project from one of our local teachers. Not only do primary school kids get to develop their own, unique digital portfolios that enable them to curate, organise and share their work in a variety of ways they also learn so much maths, literacy, design and IT along the way. And the only software  Full Article…



Father Christmas brought me a great new toy and I  spent most of last weekend playing with Gethin, Ffion, Gweno and Bronwyn (diolch plant!) and the DRAWDIO ‘pen’. Drawdio is another amazing bit of kit from Jay Silver and Eric Rosenbaum from MIT Lifelong Kindergarten, the same stable as Makey Makey which we featured in  Full Article…


Taccle2 Primary handbook!

Here is the first downloadable version of the new Taccle2 book ‘E-Learning for Primary Teachers. Taccle2 Primary Book.pdf No more excuses! This is a step-by-step guide to using technology to improve teaching and learning in the classroom. Many of you who use this site regularly are probably pretty e-competent by now but the hand book  Full Article…


Augmented reality colouring books.

Wow! – is all I can say. I thought this would be a great activity for 4 olds but this 64 year old has spent the morning colouring in pictures. ColAR Mix is an augmented reality app that turns paper drawings into animated 3D objects. Available for Android and iOS tablets. Basically you choose a  Full Article…


Singing Fingers – lets you finger paint with sound!

Another fun-classic from Eric Rosenbaum and Jay Silver.  Have been driving my family nuts over the weekend painting music with Singing Fingers (well, I think it sounds musical!).  This could be the answer to teaching reluctant primary pupils the basics of composition.  And if it doesn’t – who cares?? It’s a fabulous exploration of synthesis  Full Article…