CS4: Digital competence


Core Skill 4

Digital Competence

K= Knowledge

S= Skill

A= Attitude

EQF 3-4

EQF 5-6

Digital competence involves the confident and critical use of Information Society Technology (IST) for work, leisure and communication. It is underpinned by basic skills in ICT: the use of computers to retrieve, assess, store, produce, present and exchange information, and to communicate and participate in collaborative networks via the Internet.

1 An understanding of the opportunities and potential risks of the Internet (K)

Use Telepathwords to check the safety of your passwords.

Test your knowledge of online safety via Know the net.

2 Summarize, synthetise ideas, propositions (S)

Online collaborative mindmapping with Coggle.

Deliberate and decide upon complex issues with cloud based DebateGraph.

3 Produce & present complex information (S)

Edit & illustrate your data with infographics from Infogr.am or Visual.ly.

Prezi helps you present your information in a visually attractive way.

4 Support creativity (S)

Remix the web with Mozilla’s PopcornMaker.

Create animated videos with Moovly.

5 Communicate (S)

Videochat straight from your browser with vLine or appear.in.

Start a private or public community on Google+.

6 Collaborate (S)

A simple web word processor and whiteboard to work together: Scrawlar.

Start a group in Wiggio to communicate, share files and manage to-do lists.

7 Search, select and process information (S)

Play a Google a day to brush up and expand your search skills.

Face the difficult search challenges of Daniel M Russel in the Search Research blogspot.

8 A critical and reflective attitude towards information (A)

Evaluate a website with the Radcab framework.

Talk back to commercials with Mediabreaker.