thanks again to Tom Barrett for compiling this and the teachers who added to it: “56 Interesting ways to use the interactive whiteboard in the classroom”
Viewing 1 to 4 of 4 items
Ready Steady, Cook!
Age: 4-6yrs Ease **** Overview One of the things that characterizes the place where we live are local recipes and dishes. In this activity, students develop their own traditional recipes based on family tradition and home cooking. Their recipes are uploaded onto a classroom blog. Description: The first step in this activity is to research Full Article…
How do you feel?
Younger chidden really like this! Talk about emotions and feelings. Give children particular emotions they have to act (if you have video) or just make facial expressions if you want to use digital cameras to take pictures. Put the videoclips together in IMove or Movie maker or put the digital photos into Powerpoint. Show Full Article…