Wii golf maths

This could be a great game for a Friday afternoon or the end of term. Find someone with a Nintendo Wii with the sports package.

Organise the children into teams (4 players in each group is good)

Children start by making a note of the length of the hole they are about to play (A).

Choose someone to come out and tee off. When their ball comes to a rest it will show how far to the hole (B). It does not show the length of their shot – so complete the subtraction with the class A – B = C (shot length)

Repeat this for the other three players.

Thanks to Tom Barrett for this one

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One Response to “Wii golf maths”

  1. Rocío Bernal October 31, 2012 at 12:44 #

    Fantástica idea para que los niños aprendan la aplicación que tienen las matemáticas y los problemas que se plantean en ellas. Fomenta el aprendizaje significativo y se apoya de las TIC que se ‘diseñaron’ para el ocio.


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