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Digital portfolios in primary school

Love this project from one of our local teachers. Not only do primary school kids get to develop their own, unique digital portfolios that enable them to curate, organise and share their work in a variety of ways they also learn so much maths, literacy, design and IT along the way. And the only software  Full Article…


Taccle2 Primary handbook!

Here is the first downloadable version of the new Taccle2 book ‘E-Learning for Primary Teachers. Taccle2 Primary Book.pdf No more excuses! This is a step-by-step guide to using technology to improve teaching and learning in the classroom. Many of you who use this site regularly are probably pretty e-competent by now but the hand book  Full Article…


Ready Steady, Cook!

Age: 4-6yrs Ease **** Overview One of the things that characterizes the place where we live are local recipes and dishes. In this activity, students develop their own traditional recipes based on family tradition and home cooking. Their recipes are uploaded onto a classroom blog. Description: The first step in this activity is to research  Full Article…


Images by Instruction

4-6yrs Ease ***** Overview Early on, Learners develop a positive attitude towards ICT and begin to use ICT as a learning aid. Learners will learn to use ICT in a safe, responsible and functional way. Picture dictation can be used with learners of very different ages. It’s a good activity for the memory, concentration, learning  Full Article…