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What is a Weblog or Blog?

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this chapter you should be able to: Say what a weblog is. Explain what kind of weblogs, sections and styles could be used. Illustrate advantages and disadvantages of using a single-author weblog and a multi-authors weblog. Analyse the main situations in which different kind of weblogs should be used  Full Article…


Physical Activity, Health and Leisure: My training plan.

Gain Attention:  With this activity you will be able to know more about how you can create your personal training plan knowing about your physical condition and your heath state. The main goal is: Evaluate your physical condition and state of health (anthropometry) and do a valuation about it. The workflow is: Students get information  Full Article…


CannonBasket: How to learn maths with a bowl’s cannon

Gain Attention:  With this activity you will be able to create a bowl’s cannon and this tool allows you to deep into angles world and collaborate with others students and schools to share your project. To complete this activity you will have to: Work in a group of four students. Learn to measure and calculate  Full Article…


Investigating and acting on local environmental problems

Age: 12-15 years In this lesson, centered on environment and sustainability, students must identify, discuss and act on environmental issues that exist in the school area or in the places where they live. The seriousness of the environmental issues affecting our society needs citizens that are well informed and empowered to take appropriate actions about  Full Article…


Feed your mind

15-18 yrs Overview Learners use Wikipedia to research nutritional value, quality, composition, storage, etc of foods that are usually present in a healthy, balanced diet by relating the demand for calories according to physical and mental exhersion in humans. The students will use the internet to investigate the relationship between BMI, health and diet. You  Full Article…