Father Christmas brought me a great new toy and I spent most of last weekend playing with Gethin, Ffion, Gweno and Bronwyn (diolch plant!) and the DRAWDIO ‘pen’. Drawdio is another amazing bit of kit from Jay Silver and Eric Rosenbaum from MIT Lifelong Kindergarten, the same stable as Makey Makey which we featured in Full Article…
In our experience, the biggest barrier to using e-learning activities – especially on-line sites – is that many teachers are petrified by press reports, local authority warnings, parental anxieties and even their own conviction that the internet is generally an unsafe ‘place’ for children. Yes, there ARE dangers out there on the Internet as there Full Article…
Firstly, the computers your learners use in school will almost certainly be connected to a local server – another computer that stands between the classroom computers and the outside world. This server may be located in your school or it may be somewhere else, for example in a local authority’s IT department or in a Full Article…
All teachers, in loco parentis, have a duty to protect the children in their care. So as a teacher, if you are responsible for learners when they are using digital devices, you need to take steps to stop them coming to any harm. The first thing we would look at is the hardware. Computers per Full Article…
Working online
Once you allow learners access to the Internet there is the potential for them to get into trouble. On the other hand, the same is true when you let them play outside in the playground. Except the risk is probably greater outside. We do not want to sound cavalier about this but we need to Full Article…
Each time you use your mobile phone, access the Internet or log onto a website you leave a ‘trail’ of information behind. This trail is made up of data such as log-ins and log-outs, websites visited, content created or accessed, emails sent and received, chat messages and most recently, the geographic position of the user. Full Article…