Just got this post in from Ian Addison’s blog. I think it is one of the best blogs around and well worth following. Ian is a primary school ICT co-ordinator and knows EXACTLY what it’s like to walk the talk in the classroom every day. Today he is talking about the downside of the digitally Full Article…
Time is an illusion!
Age: 7-12yrs Ease: *** Overview Understanding how the world and everything in it changes over time is essential in order to understanding the concept of a day, week, season, year and the general concept of ‘time’. The children will have the opportunity to analyse how an object changes over time, be it a plant growing, Full Article…
Wii bowling number chains
Use Wii Sports Bowling with younger children to practice number bonds to 10. Write down the number of pins knocked down and those left standing to create a number sentence (7+3 = 10 etc) Some children could be extended by writing down a three part sum with the second ball. Can also use with older children by Full Article…
Wii golf maths
This could be a great game for a Friday afternoon or the end of term. Find someone with a Nintendo Wii with the sports package. Organise the children into teams (4 players in each group is good) Children start by making a note of the length of the hole they are about to play (A). Full Article…
WAW! Where are we today?
Start the day by choosing a city or area with some well known land marks, use Google Earth, project onto whiteboard and zoom down to street level (so that you can still see a few km of the city – depending on the landmarks) then ask the children to guess what city or area it Full Article…
How do you feel?
Younger chidden really like this! Talk about emotions and feelings. Give children particular emotions they have to act (if you have video) or just make facial expressions if you want to use digital cameras to take pictures. Put the videoclips together in IMove or Movie maker or put the digital photos into Powerpoint. Show Full Article…