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Diving into Game-Based Learning

This is a great idea from primary school teacher Ian Addison. He used with 7 to 8 year olds but it could easily be adapted for older children.  I have mentioned Ian in a few other posts – he writes an excellent blog full of interesting stuff he is doing with technology in his own classroom. Check  Full Article…


AND another bit of programming….

This morning I had my come-uppence. Having watched my borrowed 3-4 year olds sail through the first and second ‘programming’ lessons with enthusiasm and take the ‘if..then’ and ‘not’ symbols in their stride, I tried to introduce a third symbol – the upside down V for ‘and’.  They looked at me as if I had  Full Article…


Menna’s Second Programme: Learning about ‘Not’

  Rather than repeat the background information, if you have hit on this post for the first time, we suggest that you look at the introductory lesson first, which will explain where we are coming from. This activity introduces the idea of ‘not’ – as in the syntax “If this, then NOT this.” We introduced  Full Article…


My First Programme – by Gweno, age 3!

These activities were undertaken with 3-5 year olds and they took them in their stride!    “Key Stage 1 Pupils should be taught to: understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices, and that programs execute by following a sequence of instructions” Even the word ‘algorithm’ can send many primary  Full Article…