Have just come across an amazing website for teachers http://sharpjacqui.blogspot.fr/p/about-me.html. In fact, it’s not one website but a whole series of blogs by Jaqui Sharp, who is heavily involved in Taccle-type stuff in New Zealand. Have just written to her to see if we can link up. They are very content-rich, bursting with ideas and written Full Article…
Taccle 1 Handbook
Information and Communication Technologies are being increasingly used to create richer learning environments. In all sectors of education from primary schools to adult education, in schools for pupils with special education needs and in colleges and universities, technologies are being used across the curriculum to enhance students’ experi-ences. However, technology is not enough. The creation Full Article…
Photos in schools
Just got this post in from Ian Addison’s blog. I think it is one of the best blogs around and well worth following. Ian is a primary school ICT co-ordinator and knows EXACTLY what it’s like to walk the talk in the classroom every day. Today he is talking about the downside of the digitally Full Article…
Dancing Queen
Discovered Dancing Paul a few weeks ago and kept grandchildren amused for entire holiday! I’m sure there is something creative teachers could do with this…. For now, just enjoy!!! I’ll work on some ideas when I get around to it. Meanwhile – I’m dancing along!
How big is it? (Line and path maths)
Estimating is an essential skill in maths and science and one that is actually threatened by the continued use of calculators and digital measuring instruments. Turn the tables and use the Line and Path measurement tools on Google Earth (click on the ruler on the top bar) to estimate distances and areas. Find a regular Full Article…