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Science Songs

A classroom favourite is getting your students to write a song, poem or mnemonic to help them to remember a sequence. This could be the colours of the rainbow (Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain), or the planets of the solar system My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets Or the electromagnetic  Full Article…


Share some science stories

From the combustion of carbon to the synthesis of a vitamin, every chemical reaction has a story. Using web 2.0 tools in the classroom, pupils can research, create and share the  digital story of chemistry. Ask your students to; Create a Social Networking profile for a scientist explaining their discoveries. Find a list of scientists  Full Article…


What is it?

Describe a material in 140 characters on a microblogging site such as Twitter and see if others can guess what the material is without mentioning the word or Chemical symbol. Could do it in groups and see who get the most right.  With younger primary children this could mean giving them some materials such as  Full Article…


Space and size

Check out this amazing presentation for demonstrating orders of magnitude or talking about the size of the universe! It was created by Cary and Michael Huang who have generously agreed that Taccle teachers can use it AND translate it into their own language. If anyone is interested in doing this let me know and I’ll  Full Article…