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Prompting your peers

Overview In this activity, students develop their understanding of what makes an effective photo prompt. In groups, they create new photo prompts for their peers. Description The students now understand how a photo prompt works. Let them reflect on what you need to make a good prompt. What makes them striking or effective? Are they  Full Article…


First Impressions

Overview Students begin to experiment with creating digital artefacts and are invited to join an on line community where they can post their work safely. Description Set up a Google+ community for the project. You will need a Google account if you haven’t got one already. Give the community account an appropriate name e.g. Class  Full Article…



PROJECT Curricular Areas: You could do this as part of a language course (first or second language) but it works best as a cross curricular (Art/Language/PHSE) unit. It can easily take a term to complete. Learning Opportunities & Skills:  This project gives students the opportunity to work on several core skills such digital, social & civic competence,  Full Article…


Give students a voice with Flipgrid

Flipgrid is an interesting application for asynchronous communication. It was developed by the LT Media Lab at the University of Minnesota. Flipgrid allows a teacher (or account holder) to post a short written question and students can answer that question with a video message that is limited to 90 seconds. All the video responses end  Full Article…