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Dissecting an article

Age: 10 – 12 yrs or older Overview Popplet is a web tool for mind mapping.  Easy to use, you just have to double-click to create “boxes” where you can insert text, images or videos and build information flows – connections between the “boxes”. This collaborative tool has the plus of allowing to create tags  Full Article…


Image sharing

LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this post you will be able to: Describe what image hosting and sharing applications are. Say why they are necessary. 
Explain how they work. 
Search for and use images from an image-hosting site. Upload images to an image hosting site WHAT THEY ARE Image sharing site is a generic  Full Article…


What is a Weblog or Blog?

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this chapter you should be able to: Say what a weblog is. Explain what kind of weblogs, sections and styles could be used. Illustrate advantages and disadvantages of using a single-author weblog and a multi-authors weblog. Analyse the main situations in which different kind of weblogs should be used  Full Article…