As a take on e-learning this just made me laugh so I thought I’d share it
Augmented reality colouring books.
Wow! – is all I can say. I thought this would be a great activity for 4 olds but this 64 year old has spent the morning colouring in pictures. ColAR Mix is an augmented reality app that turns paper drawings into animated 3D objects. Available for Android and iOS tablets. Basically you choose a Full Article…
Meet your Avatar!
In this activity, learners develop their communication skills by introducing themselves to others and by role-playing peers, historical figures or famous people. Why not… Ask learners to use to create an imaginary avatar. The Activity Allow learners time to experiment with Discuss the tool’s strengths e.g. huge variety of choice, and its weaknesses Full Article…
Jott: Explore speech to text technology Jott is one of the coolest application of speech to text technologies we have seen. Once you sign up for a free account, call Jott on your phone and you can leave a message which will be converted to text and posted on your blog, twitter speed or to do list. The conversion is Full Article…
Singing Fingers – lets you finger paint with sound!
Another fun-classic from Eric Rosenbaum and Jay Silver. Have been driving my family nuts over the weekend painting music with Singing Fingers (well, I think it sounds musical!). This could be the answer to teaching reluctant primary pupils the basics of composition. And if it doesn’t – who cares?? It’s a fabulous exploration of synthesis Full Article…
26 Interesting ways to use Voicethreads in your classroom
26 Interesting ways to use Voicethreads in your Classroom