The main goal of this activity is to develop students´ creativity by asking them to work with existing artworks. To do this, they must choose a picture and reproduce it using different painting techniques. They will learn how to draw using different techniques, develop their understanding of style differences in art and develop their ability to work collaboratively (if they’re working in pairs or groups).
If you have done the previous activity, learners can use the same one. If not, they can choose any local museum or a national gallery or, as in the precious activity, choose one from the list of resources at the back of this handbook.
After searching on the museum’s website, ask them to choose a picture of interest to them. Ask students to reproduce it using different drawing techniques. For example, if it is a fresco they may want to recreate the work in watercolour or charcoal. Each member of the group can try a different technique, but all of them should use the same work as their focus. Reassure them that they will be given enough time to complete their study.
Once they have created their interpretation of the painting, ask them to take a picture of their work and to create a Flickr album for the group. Ask them to upload photos of their work.
Time needed 6 hours
Art resources e.g. canvas, paint, watercolours, etc.
One device with Internet connection per group.
Camera (or mobile device with camera, as a PSP or a mobile phone).
Flickr or similar.
Hints and tips
Remind them that when using a camera they must respect the privacy of people around them and ensure no faces appear in the photographs. They shouldn’t refer to their own names or the names of others on line either.
If you prefer the activity can be done individually.
Remind them to check that pictures from the Internet are under the appropriate Creative Commons License.
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[…] Station 2: Art Interpreter Students create a personal Flickr gallery to exhibit their own artistic creations. […]