Viewing 13 to 18 of 422 items


Have just spent half of Easter weekend making these amazing little spiders with eyes that blink!  The idea came from Ken Murphy and I have adapted a few bits – check out his website for more maker projects. This is the finished product: What is a Blinkybug? Blinkybugs are simple little electro-mechanical insects that respond to  Full Article…


Game based Learning – QuesTanja

Auf den EduDays in Krems habe ich ein paar der Leute hinter kennengelernt – hier der Link zu diesem tollen Tool. Sie arbeiten gerade an einer neuen Seite, die in meinen Augen eine wirkliche Bereicherung für alle sein wird, die Game-based Learning ernsthaft ausprobieren wollen. Momentan wird noch kräftig daran gearbeitet, aber im Herbst  Full Article…


Inventions and their inventors in the industrial revolution

Overview Collaborative history lesson for students learning English using Prezi as presentation tool. Description As a warming up activity the students are invited  to turn on their smartphones and launch Kahoot to do a short quiz on the main inventions and inventors of the industrial revolution. Then the teacher presents the Prezi template that he has  Full Article…


Adult Digital Literacy project

The project Adult Digital Literacy (LIDIA) stems from the award attributed by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (TIC and Society Network) in response to the proposal of extending the work carried out within the scope of the project TACCLE2– Teachers’ Aids on Creating Content for Learning Environments, a European project in which participated a  Full Article…