I’ve come across this website (http://www.newspaperclub.com) and I think this can be used really well in class. You have to create an account, however, you only have to use an e-mail address and a password. Then you can use their layout tool to create a newspaper and export it as a pdf for free. If you Full Article…
Let’s talk about history
Age: 12 to 18 Overview: Students should create a radio programme, e.g. a talkshow with a host and one or more experts. They can also make a radio feature, documentary or drama. With modern technology you no longer need a recording studio but you can use the tools you or your school have anyhow. What you Full Article…
Maths History
Ever had students who wondered why we always use the x as the unknown? Here’s the answer on video. It’s just a nice lesson starter or something to end a lesson with. Maybe this is the chance to go and look for some other maths history? A great website is this one: http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk Lots of things to Full Article…
Interesting things to do with an Interactive Whiteboard
thanks again to Tom Barrett for compiling this and the teachers who added to it: “56 Interesting ways to use the interactive whiteboard in the classroom”
Music in the chemistry lesson
Mark Rosengarten has recorded a lot of chemistry tutorials and songs. My chemistry colleague’s favourite is the song “It’s a family thing”, a song that covers a list of organic molecules. She used it in the classroom at the end of the lesson and gave her students the link to use the song as a Full Article…
Real-time calculations, statistics and facts.
My Life in Numbers displays real-time calculations using interesting statistics, fun facts and fascinating numbers. The website measures all sorts of events in many different ways. For example the amount of Google searches since the beginning of the day or since the beginning of 2013 or the amount of breaths an average person has taken since Full Article…