Viewing 235 to 240 of 422 items

Reverse design

Show a picture of a technical system (f.i. microwave, thermometer, mobile phone…). Students has to define the criteria which the designer has determined for his technical system. Following questions can help to define the criteria for a corkscrew: How does the corkscrew look? Describe What are the user characteristics? Which are the criteria that the  Full Article…


Pimp up your room

Ask your pupils to design their bedroom from scratch using go to ‘Roomsketcher’ . Pay attention to the lighting of the room, where they are putting the switches giving reasons for their choices. After finishing their plans you let them draw the circuit diagram using the correct symbols for switch, light source etc. The  Full Article…


My technology book

In each activity the pupils learn about technical principles like gear and belt drive systems, electrical circuits, energy, textiles technology, food technology…After a technical activity the students make a poster (Glogster), a digital book (Storybird) with the knowledge that they have constructed about that subject. In the next activity they can look up in that  Full Article…


How much water does the ocean contain?

Let the students search on Google Maps to discover if the Earth contains more ocean than land. Explore the water cycle. Ask some questions like ‘Where do you think rain comes from?’, ‘Does it rain every where?’ After students have shared their ideas, they try to find some explanations. In Glogster they will make a  Full Article…


Energy debate with talking photos

This lesson explores the different issues about  the energy debate in the World. Students will take some pictures of recent initiatives being taken in their area about alternative energy. With the tool Photobabble they can upload their picture and in 60 seconds they can record their statement about the pro and contra of that initiative.  Full Article…