Another example using Dvolver, this time using an animation to set a task or ask a question, challenge your class to animate their responses.
Tin-foil hats
Here’s an interesting piece of research you may wish to share with your class On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets: An Empirical Study There’s an accompanying website here too! This work was done back in 2005 so after reading the information on the website and the published research you could challenge your class to Full Article…
Chemical Free
The Royal Society of Chemistry is offering £1,000,000 to anyone who can show them a 100% chemical-free substance, see here for details. Challenge your class to find one, it should be easy as there are hundreds of products advertised as being “chemical free”. There’s a great blog here which names and shames marketers who use the Full Article…
Using iPads and Tablets in class
Lots of great practical advice here about using mobile devices in the classroom. If you have any to add please put them in the comments below.
Citizen Science
There’s a great project on where you can contribute to some real-life Martian research! Follow the links and you get allocated a patch of Mars to explore and you can help the researchers by marking interesting features on the surface. Who knows, you might find something never seen before by human eyes! I can’t put it Full Article…
Math resources
Math teachers could find useful tips and tricks on practical, do-now, mathematics instruction ideas and games using some of the following resources: Math Class Needs a Makeover Mathematics, Learning and Web 2.0 Mathematics and Multimedia collection of GeoGebra tutorials Numberphile A+ Click Illustrative Mathematics Math Landing Mudd Math Fun Facts A video that cover things like 998,001 and Full Article…