Viewing 331 to 336 of 422 items

Light and shadows

Here’s a great primary school resource from BBC schools about light and shadows – it’s a game you can play in groups or as a class. Before you play the game try out all or some of these introductory activities Brainstorm a list of things that ‘give out light’. (List everything learners suggest, even if  Full Article…


Podomatic Podcasting

Jeanette has been using Podomatic to make podcasts… An extremely simple site to use which guides you through a step-by-step process to create your podcast, as well as providing a separate ‘minicast’ option to create smaller pieces. Here are some possibilities: An interesting way to get students to revise – give groups a topic which they  Full Article…


Make a map

Google maps allows you to pin notes, links and comments to places so instead of writing a worksheet you could create a work map. You’ll need a Google account before you can get started, you can sign up here. On the Google maps site click on “My Maps” and then “Create Map” you can then  Full Article…


Science Songs

A classroom favourite is getting your students to write a song, poem or mnemonic to help them to remember a sequence. This could be the colours of the rainbow (Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain), or the planets of the solar system My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets Or the electromagnetic  Full Article…