Here’s a great primary school resource from BBC schools about light and shadows – it’s a game you can play in groups or as a class.
Before you play the game try out all or some of these introductory activities
- Brainstorm a list of things that ‘give out light’. (List everything learners suggest, even if they are technically wrong e.g. the moon – this will be important when they review and evaluate their learning at the end of the lesson.)
- Give learners a range of light sources to investigate – e.g. different shape torches, a camping lantern, a candle, a reading light, matches etc. You can provide pictures of those that can’t be brought into the classroom e.g. the sun, streetlights, car headlights etc.
- Let children draw some of them, either on the whiteboard or using a drawing programme. For each item, ask the children if they know what they are for, who might use them and how.
- Question learners: How are they different? How are they the same? How bright/dull? Do they give off heat?
- Provide some 3D shapes like a ball, a cylinder, a cube and let them use the torches to look at the different shadows produced by shining a torch on them. Do different objects produce different shadows? Do the shadows move when they move the torch? You could
- Ask pupils to place the object in the middle of a large piece of paper and to draw the shadows as they move the torch around the object.
- Create some day or night pictures using drawing software on the computer.
- Ask the children to collect pictures of light sources and to bring them into school. Use the pictures to create a class Glog.
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