Gain Attention:
With this activity you will be able to know about the meteorology in your city, several elements and instruments included in the meteorology and different ways to share this information with people.
The main goal is:
- Measure every day and publish on the Internet the information about the meteorology in your city.
In the school there is a meteorology station. The instruments included are: barometer, thermometer, hygrometer, anemometer, wind vane and rain gauge
The workflow is:
- Students (in group) go to the school’s patio (as a daily routine) to measure the information included in the meteorology station.
- Then students write the information in a paper and think together: How is the clime today?
- Students complete the information in the mural of the school to inform all escolar community about climatic situation.
- Finally students include the climatic information on their “Meteorology blog”.
- People in this city use the “Meteorology blog” made by students as a first way to get information of the clime.
Inform learners of objectives:
In this activity you will:
- do some practical work.
- learn how to use blogs as a tool to share important information.
- select important information for you and for your community.
- share the results of your work.
Stimulate Recall of Prior Knowledge:
You must to know about the measure in the several meteorology instruments.
You must to know about the meaning of results.
Provide guidance for learning:
- Teachers and students help others to find information on the Internet to understand the meaning of the results.
- Students make short tutorials sharing the important information to do this activity.
- Guidance for learning is needed only at the begining, because finally It’s a daily routine.
Provide feedback:
During the process, students will receive feedback in the “Meteorology blog”. Family, friends and people in the city make the best feedback because everybody finds this information interesting and necessary.
Enhance retention and transfer:
- Use of active methodology.
- Mix between theorical and practical content.
- The group work is used.
- Students learn and help in their community.
- Students feel that their work is important and necessary.
More information in Spanish in:
Activity made by students’s San Walabonso school in Niebla, Huelva (Spain).
This post is also available in: Romanian
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