Ease **** 7+ years Overview: Skype is surprisingly easy to master and, for the most part safer than other modes of communication such as phones and email. The possibilities are endless and teachers and innovators are constantly finding new ways to develop learners’ skills and understanding. In this activity, the teacher opens her Full Article…
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Feed your mind
15-18 yrs Overview Learners use Wikipedia to research nutritional value, quality, composition, storage, etc of foods that are usually present in a healthy, balanced diet by relating the demand for calories according to physical and mental exhersion in humans. The students will use the internet to investigate the relationship between BMI, health and diet. You Full Article…
How do you feel?
Younger chidden really like this! Talk about emotions and feelings. Give children particular emotions they have to act (if you have video) or just make facial expressions if you want to use digital cameras to take pictures. Put the videoclips together in IMove or Movie maker or put the digital photos into Powerpoint. Show Full Article…