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QR Treasure Hunt

Here is a great idea from Carine from Belgium for introducing new pupils to the school.  It’s really easy – older pupils create an exciting treasure hunt for younger pupils using QR codes that contain clues. Preparation Discuss “What is an app?” This is an opportunity for pupils and teachers to discuss the function and purpose  Full Article…


Today’s reporter

Another idea from Belgium…Carine says it gives children a chance to reflect on the things that happened during a day and provides an opportunity for individuals to share their personal perspective on the different activities they have engaged in. It also helps children learn about how their day is structured. She adds “And it’s always great to  Full Article…


Online storybook

More good stuff from Carine… Create a story together with the children. You can help them by giving them a main character and helping them with questions such as: “What did he do then, what happens next?” Meanwhile the teacher makes notes. Afterwards the teacher repeats the story and asks after each part who can make  Full Article…