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Podcast some patterns

You can use podcasting or slidecasting as a way to create and share patterns. Use or similar to generate a list of at least 20 random numbers, use one number per slide and create a presentation, be creative! Add music and upload the results to youtube or vimeo or slideshare. You can do the  Full Article…


The Human Race

Age: 12+ yrs Overview: By investigating the most current scientific material regarding human evolution, learners are asked to use their researching, predictive and reporting skills to create a simple web-based thesis on the ‘likely’ future stages of human evolution.  Description: The teacher must decide how much initial information to provide, but it’s probably a good  Full Article…


Science Comics

We all know how much children like doing hands-on science and finding out for themselves how things work. Sadly, we also know that writing up their experiments according to very rigid criteria is guaranteed to dampen their natural curiosity and turn science into a chore. Nic has come up with a novel way of recording  Full Article…


Great e-learning teacher blog!

Have just come across an amazing website for teachers In fact, it’s not one website but a whole series of blogs by Jaqui Sharp, who is heavily involved in Taccle-type stuff in New Zealand. Have just written to her to see if we can link up. They are very content-rich, bursting with ideas and written  Full Article…