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How big is it? (Line and path maths)

Estimating is an essential skill in maths and science and one that is actually threatened by the continued use of calculators and digital measuring instruments. Turn the tables and use the Line and Path measurement tools on Google Earth (click on the ruler on the top bar) to estimate distances and areas. Find a regular  Full Article…



Glogster is a perfect tool for pupils to present or communicate information. You can use it for creating posters, fact files, project boards or ‘how to…’ instructions. It also serves as a good entry level activity to blogging.  You can put text, images, audio and video files on your Glog and add hyperlinks as well  Full Article…


Light and shadows

Here’s a great primary school resource from BBC schools about light and shadows – it’s a game you can play in groups or as a class. Before you play the game try out all or some of these introductory activities Brainstorm a list of things that ‘give out light’. (List everything learners suggest, even if  Full Article…


Podomatic Podcasting

Jeanette has been using Podomatic to make podcasts… An extremely simple site to use which guides you through a step-by-step process to create your podcast, as well as providing a separate ‘minicast’ option to create smaller pieces. Here are some possibilities: An interesting way to get students to revise – give groups a topic which they  Full Article…