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The Music Maker

Age: 9+yrs Ease *** Overview Traditionally, teaching learners who do not play an instrument and cannot read music has been quite difficult (not to mention stressful!), especially when they are younger. Jamstudio software enables learners to compose without having to write a musical score, they compose by ear, or aurally, making decisions based on the  Full Article…


Science Sketches

Age: 10-12yrs    Ease *** Overview This is an excellent resource for developing most forms of instructional writing. It is also a great way of introducing the concepts involved in following various practical instructions e.g. how to play a game, assemble furniture etc Description Having decided on a science investigation question e.g. Which soft drinks  Full Article…


Savvy Searching

Age:  7+    Ease ***** Overview WolframAlpha is a computational search engine. Whereas other search engines will provide reams and reams of results and information, much of it too detailed and difficult for learners to read and extract relevant knowledge, results on WolframAlpha are clearer and much less wordy. Description This web search engine is  Full Article…