Another idea from Belgium…Carine says it gives children a chance to reflect on the things that happened during a day and provides an opportunity for individuals to share their personal perspective on the different activities they have engaged in. It also helps children learn about how their day is structured. She adds “And it’s always great to Full Article…
Make your own nature colouring book
Let children use digital cameras to take some pictures of snails, beetles, butterflies or choose a picture e.g a butterfly on Google images. Turn it in to a colouring sheet using iphoto or picassa. (move the exposure, contrast and sharpness to max. Move saturation to minimum.) If necessary, take the image you have produced and Full Article…
Make a time line with pictures of dinosaurs using Prezi. With younger children you can construct the template and select the background so that children can ‘drop in’ pictures of dinosaurs they have collected. Older children can do it themselves. Or children can draw the dinosaurs, photograph them and save as jpeg images that you Full Article…
Mindmapping a story
Another idea from Carine in belgium which helps children reflect on a story and learn how a story is structured. Start by telling the children a story. After you have finished make a mind map on the interactive whiteboard. Start with a branch ‘WHO’ and let the children add branches for the different characters. Let Full Article…
The Secret Life of Animals
Here is another idea from Cidalia Marques, one of the Taccle team from Portugal. Portugese classrooms often have animals in their classes. The most usual animals are silkworms, fishes or hamsters . This is the first step to approach the animals habits, characteristics, feeding and caring about them Having an animal in the class serves Full Article…
Wordle warm up (primary ideas)
Here are some more ideas for using Wordle in a primary school, contributed by Nic Daniels, one of the Taccle team in Wales. We love this software! It’s so simple to use and the possibilities are endless! We’ve outlined how to use it as a fun and quick lesson warm-up activity. Click ‘create’ on the Full Article…