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Flying Forces 11+yrs

Overview This software gives learners a general overview of what is entailed in the design of aircraft. Learners begin to understand how skills, knowledge and understanding from different traditional curriculum subjects must be utilised in some professional careers. In this instance, they will be need to apply aspects of design, technology and physics to be  Full Article…


Bridges For Animals – Belgium

Here is a complete lesson plan for a construction/CDT bridge building activity from Belgium… Capture the pupils attention at the start of the activity. Possibilities are A provoking question Storytelling Interesting facts Case studies “Our Lord Mayor wants to build a bridge for animals in our town. He organizes a contest and asks our school  Full Article…


The maths of bar codes

Investigate the maths behind bar codes and QR codes. On-line quiz Create a Pinterest board or a Glog and pin or stick text, images or multimedia that answer some or all of the following questions. All the answers are easily available using a Google search or searching with Wolfram Alpha How many digits does a  Full Article…


What is it?

Describe a material in 140 characters on a microblogging site such as Twitter and see if others can guess what the material is without mentioning the word or Chemical symbol. Could do it in groups and see who get the most right.  With younger primary children this could mean giving them some materials such as  Full Article…


QR Treasure Hunt

Here is a great idea from Carine from Belgium for introducing new pupils to the school.  It’s really easy – older pupils create an exciting treasure hunt for younger pupils using QR codes that contain clues. Preparation Discuss “What is an app?” This is an opportunity for pupils and teachers to discuss the function and purpose  Full Article…



Rather than just collecting images from the web – go on a maths walk with a digital camera and take pictures of tesselated shapes – you could combine this with a project about the local town or neighbourhood and look for brickwork patterns, tiling, paving slabs, cobblestones etc. When you get back, print them off  Full Article…