Museum Revisited


In this activity, students compare their own artwork with those in museums and national collections. They will develop the ability to reflect on their own work as well as the work of others and to consolidate their understanding of the techniques, themes and topics covered in this unit of work.


Explain to the students that they will need to create an exposition based on their own artwork. They can use the work they created during this unit or work they’ve created in other units. In the virtual gallery of their chosen museum, they should search for an artwork bearing some similarity to their own, this could be the same artistic medium, similar themes, subjects etc. Ask them to create a document in Google Drive and to include the picture they’ve selected, the description of the artwork and their reasons for choosing this work in the same document.

They should then create a QR code that will link to the information in the Google Drive document and formally present their work to the class. Alternatively, they could add their own artwork to the collection (work can be scanned or photographed) and write an artist’s biography for themselves before integrating their own work into the exhibition.

Time needed The time needed depends on the number of devices available. It may be possible for them to do at least some of the task as homework. Four hours is realistic.


Hints and tips

  • This activity is best done over several days.

  • It may be possible/necessary for them to do at least some of the task as homework.

  • This activity is designed to consolidate what they’ve learnt and, therefore, is not an essential part of the whole unit of work.

—> Around the World in 6 Museums

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