Viewing 61 to 66 of 422 items

Stomp City

Overview This lesson introduces students to easily accessible and informal styles of music composition and performance. Stomp is a percussion group that uses the body and ordinary objects to create a physical theatre performance. Their appeal lies in their primitive yet highly effective musical performances that do not require students to be able to read  Full Article…


Sketching Songs

Overview In this lesson students begin to understand the functions of lyrics in a song. As they analyse and discuss the lyrics of the chosen song, they will begin to develop an understanding of how words are chosen to elicit a particular emotional response from the listener. Description You can select any song you like,  Full Article…


Sound Walk

Overview In this activity, students will use their locality to develop their understanding of musical components. This activity assumes that students will have some knowledge and understanding of basic musical elements: timber/tone, pitch, structure, dynamics, duration, tempo, texture and silence. During the activity, they will investigate these further so that they can use them effectively  Full Article…



PROJECT Curricular Areas: Music, ICT, Language. Learning Opportunities & Skills: Video/audio creating editing and sharing, collaboration, composing and performing music, group work. About this Unit: Students have fun exploring the subject of music and sound by investigating innovative composition and performance ideas. Based on the assumption that music should elicit an emotional response, students investigate several musical genres  Full Article…


Museum Revisited

Overview In this activity, students compare their own artwork with those in museums and national collections. They will develop the ability to reflect on their own work as well as the work of others and to consolidate their understanding of the techniques, themes and topics covered in this unit of work. Description Explain to the  Full Article…


Art Expo

Overview In this activity, students organise an exposition to present the museums of the world. By focussing in detail on one museum and searching the Internet for complementary information, they will create and exposition to teach others about art. They will also learn to create QR codes and use them to give the expo an  Full Article…