Storybird is a wonderful tool to create picture books for and with your students. All you need is a free account. As a teacher you can add students, invite them to collaborate or give them an assignment. The works can be published, so parents and friends can appreciate them, too. The best thing, of course, is the beautiful artwork by artists from all over the world which you can use in your books.
Storybird is a whole new experience for me! I know that there are already this kind of e-books available, but they are quite expensive to buy.
It is very easy to create an account and a class account (I tried it). Every pupil can have his own account to work on. And, very important, the teacher can always follow the students in what they are doing.
I will certainly recommend this tool to my colleagues, they can use this in kinder garden and the teachers in primary school can use this for telling a story, writing a story, … It’s a wonderful tool!