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Junior Architect is a great piece of software for budding architects. Learners can create their own dream home or redesign their current home/bedroom using an easy drag & drop menu . Teachers are able to assess how well learners use their design skills whilst solving technical and practical problems. This is a design package that I  Full Article…


Reporting on practical work through vodcasting

Age: 12-15 years In this lesson, centered in any practical activity implemented in the classroom, students must present their report through a vodcast. (Vodcast = podcast with video) 1. Gain Attention This time, after doing your practical work, you will try a different way of presenting the process and discussing the results: vodcasting. To complete  Full Article…


Documentary Divas!

Overview: In pairs, learners prepare, film and present a short ‘fly-on-the-wall’ documentary. One learner takes the role of the ‘star’ or ‘diva’ (popular choices include are Marilyn Monroe, King Henry VIII and Andy Warhol!) the other takes the role of interviewer/film maker. Description: Show learners or similar clip. This will give them an overview  Full Article…