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Genuine travelers

Overview This activity is planned to engage students between 6-8 years old from two distant groups of schools (or the same country or from different countries and regions). Basically, it consists in sending for the partner school (by mail) a doll traveler, representative of each class, simulating the journey of a student from one class  Full Article…


Light, shadows and Me.

Age 6-7 years Ease***** Overview This is great for helping learners recognise the difference between natural and artificial light sources. It also tackles the tricky subject of what is and what is not a light source. Description Make a list of things that ‘give out light’. List everything children suggest, even if they are technically  Full Article…


History hunt

Age 6-7yrs       Ease ***** Overview: Many young learners find the concept of chronology a difficult concept to learn, especially in the context of longer periods of history. We adapted this idea from a similar project on dinosaurs created for older learners. Pupils will create a folding timeline book displaying modes of transport, or  Full Article…


Round Robin Writings

Age: 6+yrs Ease Overview This activity is great for interacting with other learners in the same class, interacting between classes in the same school or interaction with learners in other schools, both nationally and internationally. Below, the activity centres on story writing, but it can be easily changed to develop writing across the curriculum (timelines,  Full Article…


Ready Steady, Cook!

Age: 4-6yrs Ease **** Overview One of the things that characterizes the place where we live are local recipes and dishes. In this activity, students develop their own traditional recipes based on family tradition and home cooking. Their recipes are uploaded onto a classroom blog. Description: The first step in this activity is to research  Full Article…