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Village Quest

Age: 9+yrs   Ease *** Overview: Pupils will learn how to generate and read a QR-code with a tablet or smartphone. They will learn how to find a location on a virtual map, how to get GPS-coordinates with Google Maps, share a document with Google maps and post an image on and link this to  Full Article…


Geo Tweets

I love this one from Tom Barrett “Use a combination of Twitter and Google Earth as a unique mapping activity or intro to using Google Earth. Ask your Twitter network for challenges, GeoTweets if you will. Do this in advance of the session to give people time to respond. Guide the children quietly – you  Full Article…


What is it?

Describe a material in 140 characters on a microblogging site such as Twitter and see if others can guess what the material is without mentioning the word or Chemical symbol. Could do it in groups and see who get the most right.  With younger primary children this could mean giving them some materials such as  Full Article…