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Investigating and acting on local environmental problems

Age: 12-15 years In this lesson, centered on environment and sustainability, students must identify, discuss and act on environmental issues that exist in the school area or in the places where they live. The seriousness of the environmental issues affecting our society needs citizens that are well informed and empowered to take appropriate actions about  Full Article…


Let’s go into the city

Lesson plan from Italy on Transport… During the morning students will have to carry out the following activities and/or purchases: A newspaper (news stand), A piece of pizza/snack (pizzeria), Exercise book (stationery store), A pair of socks (underwear), A map of the city (tourist office), Leaflet for trip (travel agency), Train schedule for trip (train  Full Article…


House of Cards

Overview Learners will have already begun to investigate how humans rely on other organisms for survival. Here, they will begin to apply this knowledge and understanding to life in other countries with different levels of economic development. Description As quick warm up, invite one learner to come to the front of the class to build  Full Article…


Looking at landscapes

Use Google Earth (or Google Maps if you haven’t got to grips with Google Earth!) Divide the class into groups and give each group a location. (You can use the line or path function on Google earth to do this) Give the class a series of tasks or questions. The less able group might be  Full Article…


Environmental river project

Thanks to teacher Chris Smit for this one… Use Google Earth for an environmental river project. Locate the source of a river and follow it to the mouth, entering a sea or lake Use the altitude information on Google to calculate the difference in altitude between the origin and the mouth Mark all geographical spots  Full Article…