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Genuine travelers

Overview This activity is planned to engage students between 6-8 years old from two distant groups of schools (or the same country or from different countries and regions). Basically, it consists in sending for the partner school (by mail) a doll traveler, representative of each class, simulating the journey of a student from one class  Full Article…


I Love Literature

In this activity, learners use creative online applications to exhibit their understanding of a text they’ve been studying. We’ve used the software below to help learners understand a range of texts from Shakespeare to Jane Austen to Philip Pullman and many others. Why not… Ask learners to brainstorm on all the words that come  Full Article…


Meet your Avatar!

In this activity, learners develop their communication skills by introducing themselves to others and by role-playing peers, historical figures or famous people. Why not…  Ask learners to use to create an imaginary avatar. The Activity Allow learners time to experiment with Discuss the tool’s strengths e.g. huge variety of choice, and its weaknesses  Full Article…


Give students a voice with Flipgrid

Flipgrid is an interesting application for asynchronous communication. It was developed by the LT Media Lab at the University of Minnesota. Flipgrid allows a teacher (or account holder) to post a short written question and students can answer that question with a video message that is limited to 90 seconds. All the video responses end  Full Article…