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A Plague of People!

Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) has become widely known for his theories about population and its increase or decrease in response to various factors. In his work An Essay on the Principle of Population, he observed that sooner or later a population gets checked by famine and disease. Basically, as with all plagues, he believed that  Full Article…


A little storybird told me…

Storybird is a wonderful tool to create picture books for and with your students. All you need is a free account. As a teacher you can add students, invite them to collaborate or give them an assignment. The works can be published, so parents and friends can appreciate them, too. The best thing, of course,  Full Article…


Tag Galaxy

Visual representations of data are nothing new, but Tag Galaxy takes it to new heights in searching Flickr photos. Enter a single keyword (I used “frog”) and you’ll see a 3D representation of a solar system with the keyword as the sun, orbited by related word “planets” (e.g., “amphibian,” “green,” and “toad”). Click a planet  Full Article…


Newspaper Club

I’ve come across this website ( and I think this can be used really well in class. You have to create an account, however, you only have to use an e-mail address and a password. Then you can use their  layout tool to create a newspaper and export it as a pdf for free. If you  Full Article…


I’ve just come across this wonderful online application to make small interactive tools. It is a research and development project of the Center for Computer Education at University of Teacher Education Bern, in cooperation with the University of Mainz and the University of Zittau/Görlitz. Check it out on